Argument Agaisnt the County of Santa Clara $950M Bond Issue: Measure A


When the County of Santa Clara puts a bond measures like Measure A before the voters, what are they saying? Answer: everything they are spending your tax dollars on now, is more important than the projects for which this tax increase is being sought. 

Budgets set priorities.  The County of Santa Clara is saying that every dollar they spend today is going to something they consider a higher priority than to provide affordable housing.   

Do you agree?

The main reason that we don’t have affordable housing is the law of supply and demand, the basic economic principle we learned in high school.

When housing demand exceeds the supply, the price of housing goes up.

So, why hasn’t the supply kept up with the demand?

Answer: too much government

The supply is restricted because of government zoning laws that limits housing.

The supply is restricted because of government building fees, now estimated to be about 25% of the cost of new housing according to the National Association of Home Builders.

The supply is restricted because of government banking laws that restrict lending.

The supply is restricted because of government building codes that add unnecessary costs.

The solution to affordable housing is clear; we need less government, not more.

You got to hand it to big government advocates, they’ve created this housing crisis and now, they propose to solve their problem with more government and more debt.

Don’t let big government proponents fool you, vote NO on Measure A.

Remember bonds have to be paid back, with interest.

And interest on this $950,000,000 bond measure is?

Answer: who knows!  Legally it could be as high at 12%.

Who takes out a home mortgage without knowing what the interest rate is going to be?

Please vote NO on Measure A.


10/17/16 Palo Alto Daily Post endorses a NO vote on Measure A


Organizations endorsing a NO vote on Measure A:

1. Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association

2. Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County


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