Thank you for your support of Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association!
Note: Contributions to SVTA (a California corporation; federal EIN 77-0007495) are not tax-deductible. We estimate that 75% of donations will be used for political purposes.
Our supporters have two options for their financial support of SVTA:
Yes! I'd like to pledge monthly to help SVTA optimize its cash flow and plan its projects most effectively.
Pledges can be made for as little as 33¢ per day, and every level of pledge comes with membership and a special gift (please indicate your shipping address).
Please select your pledge amount* and your reason for contributing (optional). Then click on the "Subscribe" button to let PayPal process your pledge (through either your PayPal account, if you have one, OR your credit or Visa debit card):
* To pledge an amount not listed, or for any other information, please contact us by phone at
408-279-5000 or through e-mail at Support@SVTaxpayers.org.
Yes! Today, I would like to make a single contribution.
Please fill out the form, below, to process your contribution to SVTA (through either your PayPal account OR your credit or Visa debit card):