Lakeside Joint School District $647 Parcel Tax:
Argument Against Measure A

This latest tax increase ($647 per parcel) from Lakeside Joint School District is an attempt to thwart the will of the voters as expressed by the defeat of the $820 parcel tax just last June (Measure J).

Educational funds were used to put both measures on the ballot. Money that won’t be spent on students or teachers.

The district wants to “extend” (read: increase) the 2010 parcel tax of $311 per year for another 8 years, before its scheduled expiration in 2017.

In June, 2016, the Districts’ $820 parcel tax failed at the ballot box, but the district didn’t get the message from the voters, so they’re using your taxpayer funds to try again.

Have they earned an increase to $647 per parcel — more than twice we have already been enduring? Do they deserve it?

Let’s look at the student test scores for English learners attaining English proficiency:

2011-12 school year results:    45.1%

2012-13:                                 47%

2013-14:                                 49%

[Source: Education Data Partnership,]

That’s 51% who have failed to achieve English proficiency — dismal!

Should we, the voters, reward a 51% failure rate with a pay increase?

If you answered “no,” we encourage you to vote NO on Measure A.

The statewide average expense per student is $9,633 per year, versus Lakeside Joint School District’s $18,688 — that’s 193% above average!  Yet they want more of our hard-earned money to pad their above-average salaries and fat pension plans.

Measure A says that none of the funds will be used for administration.  But, funds generated outside of this parcel tax can be used for administration expenses without limits.  So, that is really an empty promise.  Do not be fooled.

Here are the latest average teacher salaries for the district:

2011-12:  Salary = $75,905.  Statewide average = $68,531.

Plus, teachers get a super generous benefits package.  Their “family plan” costs us $7,900 per teacher per year.

Tell the Lakeside Joint School District board to be financially responsible:
Vote NO on A.

Don’t reward educational failure with more money unless you want more failure.

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