Argument Against Milpitas Unified School District $284M Bond – Measure AA

In 2012, just 6 years ago, voters in the district passed a $95M bond measure to do the following:

Replace “leaky roofs” and “update learning technology” and “provide classrooms for growing student enrollment”

Now they want to “repair leaky roofs” just 6 years after they replaced them?

That’s got to be some kind of record for roof deterioration!!!

Everyone knows, especially in Silicon Valley, that technology today will be obsolete in 5-6 years, or sooner.

So, who in their right mind would buy technology, on credit, i.e. via a bond, and pay it off over 25-30 years?

Answer: You, if you vote for Measure AA.

The 2012 technology that the district bought in 2012 with that bond money is undoubtedly already been recycled, but the payments, that you’re still paying for, will continue on for decades.

Vote NO on Measure AA to stop this fiscal insanity.

And did the student enrollment increase as they projected in 2012?

From 2014-15 school year enrollment was 10,281 and now it’s down to 10,260 in 2016-17 school year.  Guess their crystal ball is in the shop for repairs.

The district wants to spend $248M to help 10,260 students at a cost of $27,680 per student plus the ADA funds of $10,729 per student that they get every year.

Seriously, that’s a lot of money.  But, that $248,000,000 has to be paid back, and that will likely double the cost with interest and principle payments.

Just say NO to fiscal insanity, vote NO on Measure AA

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