Oak Grove Elementary School District $132 Parcel Tax: Argument Against Measure S

With this latest so-called “temporary” parcel tax, the Oak Grove Elementary School District trustees claim they need even higher amounts of our money in order to just continue providing quality education.

Not only does the District want to drag out the 2010 parcel-tax burden for another 9 years, but they want a whopping increase to $132 per year on most homeowners.

Has the District earned the right to this extension that will cost us over $1,188 over the next 9 years (on top of the taxes we are already paying)?

Let’s look at their latest academic performance results:

          2017-18 school year: 46.11% of students fall below grade level for English.

          2017-18 school year: 53.68% of students fall below grade level for math.

The District “rewarded” students, parents, and us taxpayers for our granting them the 2010 parcel tax … by dropping our children’s proficiency in both English and math!

That’s probably why the district’s enrollment is steadily declining.

(Source: Education Data Partnership: www.Ed-Data.org) 

Should we, the voters, reward the District for dropping our children’s scores in two vital subjects?

If your answer is “no,” we urge you to vote NO on Measure S.

The District is already spending $11,427 per student per year.  Yet, they want more of our hard-earned money to pad their salaries and fat pension plans.

The measure says that none of the funds will be used for administration.  But funds generated separately from this parcel tax can be used for administration expenses, without limits.  So, that is really an empty promise.  Do not be fooled.

Tell Oak Grove Elementary School District’s trustees to be financially responsible, by voting NO on_Measure_S.

If we reward failure, we will get more failure!

Also endorsing a NO vote:

Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County

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