Argument Against Burlingame Elementary School District $256 per Parcel Tax - Measure L

In 2012, voters approved Burlingame Elementary School District’s $56,000,000 bond measure to “save money”.  Where are the savings?  And, why are they not used to “retain qualified teachers”?

And in 2011, the District got a $76 per parcel tax, to “retain qualified teachers” and “maintain smaller elementary class sizes.”

In 2010, voters approved a $180  per parcel tax to “retain qualified teachers”. 

Now they’re back, once again, asking for our approval to combine both taxes and extend both parcel taxes to 2030. The District always makes the same pleas to try to scare us into voting for higher taxes to “retain qualified teachers”. 

This time we should tell them NO. And here’s why:

Burlingame Elementary School District is over paying its teachers. 

Teachers only work only 182 days per year or 1,456 hours compared with the average private section employee that works 1,916 hours per week. <source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic>

The average teachers’ salary in the district is $65,336. <source:>

For an 8 hour day, that’s $44.87 per hour or $358.98 per day.  That’s equivalent to a full-time salary of $85,970 per year, plus generous benefits rarely found in the private sector.

With this above average pay, you would think you wouldn’t have 20% of the students below proficiency in English, 23% in Math, 17% in Science and 20% in Social Science.

Please don’t reward failure with your hard-earned money.  Demand better academic results, and only then reward the District for their efforts.

Please vote NO on Measure L.

Like us, you can be for schools, for students, for teachers, and against Measure L


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