Argument Against Santa Clara County Sales Tax – Measure A


The County of Santa Clara seems to have a tax measure on the ballot every election, and sometimes two or more in the same year!

2018 is no different!

In addition to this regressive sales tax increase, there is additional $3,972,500,000 in proposed bonds plus a host of other tax increases.

That’s almost 4 billion dollars in tax increases and once you add in principle and interest payments, that could double the cost to you to nearly 8 billion dollars.

The County will tell you this tax money will be spent on basic services; however the reality is this money will likely go towards paying for six figure pensions, including pensions that exceed the IRS limit of $235,000 per year!

Pension costs at the County will double in the next six years according to CalPERS. This translates into less money for the severely mentally ill, fixing our roads, and higher taxes.

The Mercury News and NBC have reported extensively about irresponsible county spending such as:

  •  $180 million overspent on just one new building,   approximately 100% over budget.
  •        Creating a bigger bureaucracy by adding more management positions with the top manager being paid over $500,000 a year in total compensation.
  •       $11 million dollars of hospital equipment went missing. 
  •        Paid $1.4 million to settle a wrongful termination lawsuit.
  •        County badges made with real gold and sterling silver.
  •        Considered a $1.15 million contract to hire a NY PR firm until multiple news articles called out the contract as throwing money away. 
  •        Last but not least, $5 million for new statues?

Vote for fiscal accountability, vote no on tax Measure A.

The County of Santa Clara should stop raising taxes again and again until they get their priorities straight and are held accountable.

Vote No on Measure A. 

We need voters to keep the County’s wasteful spending in check, since they apparently will not, or cannot, do it themselves.

County wide there are 24 tax increase measures on the November ballot!!!

Santa Clara County has a severe housing shortage and these tax increases will only make the crisis worse.

Santa Clara County has a severe housing affordability crisis and these 24 tax increases will only make the crisis worse.

Sales taxes, like Measure A, are regressive taxes.  That means those under the federal government poverty level are hit the hardest.

California has more people under the minimum poverty level than any other state in the nation.

Sales taxes, like Measure A, will only increase poverty.

Most folks fall into 3 groups:

  •     I pay too many taxes
  •     I pay about the right amount in taxes
  •     I don’t pay enough in tax

If you’re in group 1 or 2, you should vote NO on Measure A.

And, if you’re in group 3, remember you can always volunteer to pay more without forcing your family and friends to do so.

It’s perfectly moral to reach into your pocket to pay more for governments services, but quite another to reach into someone else’s pocket to force them to pay for what you want.

That is immoral.

Two former San Jose Council Members, Pete Constant and Pierluigi Oliverio have endorse a no vote on Measure A.

And in addition to the Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association, the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County has also endorsed a no vote on Measure A.

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