SVTA Annual Meeting & Election of Board of 2007 Directors

  • Tuesday, June 26, 2007
  • 6:00 PM
  • Hobee's Restaurant, Pruneyard Shopping Center, Campbell


Silicon Valley Taxpayers' Association presents

Operation Permanent Offense


Lew and Jim Uhler,
National Tax-Limitation Committee

Please join SVTA for its annual general members' dinner and election of our 2007 board of directors.

"The best defense is a good offense."  The National Tax-Limitation Committee has embarked on Operation Permanent Offense, designed around the initiative process--the "legislature of the people"--to provide an on-going mechanism for early detection, warning, and opposition to bad initiatives--even before they are filed for "title and summary" and begin their signature-gathering period. As part of this drive to deal more effectively with the myriad big-spending initiatives which regale California taxpayers year after year, the Uhlers will tell us the latest about their work on reincarnating the Paycheck Protection Act, protecting union members who'd like to choose whether their union dues will go toward political causes, and on barring Sacramento lobbyists from using taxpayer funds for their special interests.


JIM UHLER is Communications Director of the National Tax-Limitation Committee. Combining his extensive background in business and management with his lifelong exposure--as son of NTLC founder Lew Uhler--to the principles of fiscal conservatism and smaller government, he brings a unique energy to the organization's many ambitious initiatives.

LEW UHLER is President of the National Tax-Limitation Committee, which he founded in 1975, and author of Setting Limits: Constitutional Control of Government, with foreword by Milton Friedman.  
     From 1968, when Governor Reagan selected Uhler to serve on the California Law Revision Commission, to 1972, when Reagan asked Uhler to form and head the Governor’s Tax Reduction Task Force; from co-authoring Prop. 140, California’s pioneering state term limit initiative in 1990, to participating in a 1996 symposium at the Vatican exploring private alternatives to welfare states worldwide, Lew Uhler has been at the forefront of national movements, working especially for term limits and for a Tax Limitation/ Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
     A native Californian, Uhler has also been active in land development in northern California. He is a graduate of Yale University and the Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California at Berkeley. He is a member of the California Bar.

NATIONAL TAX-LIMITATION COMMITTEE is one of the Nation’s leading grass-roots taxpayer lobbies. With offices in the Sacramento & Washington, D.C., NTLC works with the White House, Members of Congress, legislators in states across the nation, and grassroots organizations to limit state & federal spending through legal restrictions and constitutional change. Visit them on the Web at <>.

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