David vs. Goliath: How a taxpayer coalition defeated a 1/2-cent sales tax in Monterey County, featuring Lawrence Samuels

  • Monday, September 16, 2019
  • 6:15 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Mimi's Cafe, private room (1200 El Paseo de Saratoga, San Jose)


  • (Only $45 for member couples!)
  • (Only $65 for nonmember couples!)

Registration includes dinner (select from five entrees), beverage, and a great time! Don't miss getting inspired with Lawrence Samuels's important story...register now!
Registration is closed

There's power in collaboration...

Monterey County voters' ballots in 2003 included Measure Q, a half-cent sales tax increase concocted to increase funding for a government-run hospital that was practically bleeding money. Although the proponents for the tax increase spent almost 100 times more than did the opponents—a coalition of taxpayers led by our guest speaker—the taxpayers defeated the measure.

How did they do it? And whatever happened to the medical center after the county's desperate plea for more taxpayer funds was trounced?

You don't want to miss the rest of this story!

Click here for directions to Mimi's Cafe.

HURRY! Register by Friday, September 13 for a chance at our
free early-bird gift!

About our speaker

Lawrence Samuels headshot, wearing smile suit tie glasses (color photo)

Lawrence Samuels is vice chair and cofounder of Seaside Taxpayers Association. He has been a vocal advocate for taxpayers and property owners throughout northern California, including as chairman of the Project Area Committee, which advised the city of Seaside and its redevelopment agency over eminent-domain issues.

Samuels is a historian,  chaologist, and author of In Defense of Chaos: The Chaology of Politics, Economics, and Human Action (©2013, Cobden Press) and his brand new, intensely researched book, Killing History: The False Left–Right Political Spectrum and the Battle Between the ‘Free Left’ and the ‘Statist Left’ (©2019, Freeland Press), as well as editor of and contributor to the anthology Facets of Liberty. He will be available to sign your copy of his book at this event!

Samuels is also a real estate agent, columnist, a prolific conference organizer, a graduate of CSU Fullerton, and a native of California.

* Are you not yet eligible for the member rate? Join on line now, or at the event, and we'll be delighted to extend you the member discount for this event! Click here for membership details. Thank you for supporting our work on behalf of the taxpayers of both Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.

© 2025, Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association | 760 Newhall Drive, no. 1150, San Jose, CA 95110 | www.SVTaxpayers.org | 408-279-5000
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