Losing local control: Trish Cypher on the threat of regionalism to taxpayers in 9 bay area counties

  • Monday, November 18, 2019
  • 6:15 PM - 9:00 PM (PST)
  • Mimi's Cafe, private room (1200 El Paseo de Saratoga, San Jose)


  • (Only $45 for member couples!)
  • (Only $65 for nonmember couples!)

Registration is closed

What can happen when an entity is formed, whose operatives weren't elected, which has the power to devise new taxes and sell bonds — without consulting voters?

Trish Cypher will show us how regional governance has the authority, thanks to powers granted by California state legislators, to tax us and to saddle us with bonded indebtedness without any approval from voters. Individual cities' elected officials must ask their voters for increases in financing, but the regional "governance" that has arisen in our nine-county area does not.

Cypher will fill us in on the push this fall toward new regional super-measures, including a so-called mega tax, and how these measures relate to Plan Bay Area with its foray into both housing and transportation matters in Santa Clara, San Mateo, and the 7 other counties that comprise our unrepresented "region." We'll also learn what we can do to help prevent it!

SPECIAL ALERT: This presentation won’t allow for video or audio capture. You must attend in person if you want to hear Trish Cypher’s important analysis, warnings, and Q&A. Don’t miss out!

Click here for directions to Mimi's Cafe.

HURRY! Register by Friday, Nov. 15 for a chance at our free early-bird gift!

About our speaker

Upon learning about Plan Bay Area, Regional Housing Needs Allocations (RHNA), and other regional initiatives that implement “sustainable development,” Trish Cypher has made it her business to follow and comment on local politics and to campaign for limited government.

Armed with a relentless drive and a master’s degree in Public Administration from SJSU, and following her career in state, special district, and city governments, Cypher has been busy consulting to both the private and public sectors, in areas technical and managerial.

Drawing from her breadth of experience over 30 years, Cypher wrote “Democracy, Plan Bay Area, and Sustainable Development,” an overview of issues in regional government, and co-authored “Governments Working Together: A Citizen's Guide to Joint Powers Agreements,” (2007, Calif. State Senate Local Govt. Committee).

* Are you not yet eligible for the member rate? Join on line now, or at the event, and we'll be delighted to extend you the member discount for this event! Click here for membership details. Thank you for supporting our work on behalf of the taxpayers of both Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.

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