San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed on Pension Reform (Measure B)

  • Thursday, May 17, 2012
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Harry’s Hofbrau, 390 Saratoga Avenue, San Jose, CA 95129


  • Let us know you will be there.
    Free to members.
    $10.00 to non-members
    $15.00 to non-member couples
    Payment at the door.

Registration is closed
MAY 17, 2012:

Third Thursday Taxpayers Toolkit Meeting

Did you know...

  • San José is spending about $245 million in fiscal year 2011-12 to pay for lifetime pension and retiree healthcare benefits for employees vs. $73 million just ten years ago?
  • The average police officer will retire with a pension of over $100,000 per year, with 3% annual cost-of-living increases and free health insurance coverage, for life? 
  • Retirement costs now consume more than 20% of the city's General Fund, and are one of the primary drivers of San José's budget deficits?
  • Over the past 10 years, these yearly budget gaps have totaled $680 million?

Unfortunately, the City's retirement costs are expected to continue to rise in the years ahead. Without significant retirement reform, these skyrocketing costs threaten both the City's ability to provide essential city services and the long-term sustainability of the retirement funds. Employee contributions to fund pensions and retiree healthcare costs will reach unaffordable levels.

To deal with these challenges, the City Council has placed before the voters of San José Measure B, which will make much needed, cost-saving reforms to the city's retirement system.

Join us on Thursday, May 17 to learn more!

A question-and-answer period will follow Mr. Reed's remarks.

Free for SVTA members (including those who join or renew at the door)
$10 individual non-member
$15 non-member couple 

We encourage everyone  to come early and dine at Harry’s Hofbrau. To help us keep the cost of the facility low, please deposit your dinner receipt in the bucket marked “SVTA” at the cashier’s desk.

All are welcome. We especially invite members of neighborhood associations and other community action organizations.

ABOUT SVTA’S THIRD THURSDAY TAXPAYER TOOLKIT MEETINGS:  SVTA is pleased to present keynote speakers in a forum for you, the taxpayer, to come together and share information on specific tax issues and concerns. We invite you to learn with us, as we strengthen ourselves with tools that we, as your taxpayer association, can use to fight for and protect your rights and interests as Silicon Valley taxpayers.

© 2025, Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association | 760 Newhall Drive, no. 1150, San Jose, CA 95110 | | 408-279-5000
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