David Wolfe, Legislative Director of Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.

  • Thursday, July 18, 2013
  • 6:15 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Harry’s Hofbrau (back room), 390 Saratoga Avenue, San Jose, CA 95129


  • Let us know you will be there.
    Free to members.
    $10.00 to non-members
    $15.00 to non-member couples
    Payment at the door.
  • Preregister: Nonmember couple
  • Preregister: Nonmember single

Registration is closed

July 18, 2013 at 6:15 P.M.: 



Legislative Director at
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

Third Thursday Taxpayers Toolkit Meeting

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Free for SVTA members 
$10 individual non-member
$15 non-member couple

6:15 P.M.: Registration and no-host dinner
7:00 P.M.: Meeting

All are welcome! We especially invite members of neighborhood associations and other community action organizations to come and introduce themselves to our members. Just RSVP and if we can accommodate everyone, we'll plan to include you on the agenda!

We encourage you to come early to dine at Harry’s Hofbrau and mingle with fellow members and friends. To help us keep the cost of the facility low, please deposit your dinner receipt in the bucket marked “SVTA” at the cashier’s desk.

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ABOUT SVTA’S THIRD THURSDAY TAXPAYER TOOLKIT MEETINGS:  SVTA is pleased to present keynote speakers in a forum for you, the taxpayer, to come together and share information on specific tax issues and concerns. We invite you to learn with us, as we strengthen ourselves with tools that we, as your taxpayer association, can use to fight for and protect your rights and interests as Silicon Valley taxpayers.

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© 2025, Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association | 760 Newhall Drive, no. 1150, San Jose, CA 95110 | www.SVTaxpayers.org | 408-279-5000
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software