September 19th, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.:
Tax Activist and Author
Passing Prop 13, Corporate Taxes, and Higher Education
Third Thursday Taxpayers Toolkit Meeting
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David Welch's life has been divided between learning in school, including economics at Stanford, in the Army in Korea during the Vietnam era, and in business, becoming Treasurer of Dowell Schlumberger, and later starting his own educational software company.
David's also been active in politics, including work on the Prop 13 Campaign, and running for Congress and winning the Republican primary in California's 11th District.
Recently, David has been assisting his brother in a small Mortgage Modification business. The brothers have helped save the homes of approximately one hundred families facing foreclosure.
Free for SVTA members $10 individual non-member $15 non-member couple
6:15 P.M.: Registration and no-host dinner 7:00 P.M.: Program
We encourage you to come early to dine at Harry’s Hofbrau before the speaker begins. Please deposit your dinner receipt in the bucket marked “SVTA” at the cashier’s desk.
The SVTA is pleased to present keynote speakers in a forum for you, the taxpayer, to come together and share information on specific tax issues and concerns.