January 16th 2014 at 7:00 P.M.:
His book, "In Defense of Chaos"
Also, "Inside the Belly of the Eminent Domain Beast in Seaside, CA"
Third Thursday Taxpayers Toolkit Meeting
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L.K. Samuels (born December 7, 1951), also known as Lawrence Samuels, is an American author, libertarian activist, classical liberal and social chaologist. He is best known as the editor and contributing author of Facets of Liberty: A Libertarian Primer and In Defense of Chaos: The Chaology of Politics, Economics and Human Action. He coined the phrase "social chaology", which refers to the studies of complex, holistic, and self-organizing nature of society in relationship to the linear, predatory and"planned chaos" predispositions of government.
SVTA members: Free Non-members: $10 for individuals, $15 for couples
6:15 P.M.: Registration and no-host dinner 7:00 P.M.: Program
We encourage you to come early to dine at Harry’s Hofbrau before the speaker begins. Please deposit your dinner receipt in the bucket marked “SVTA” at the cashier’s desk.